Saturday, November 14, 2009

Captain Outrageous, Post Class for DeSaussure/Barthes/Macherey make up

This weeks discussions and assignments regarding language, text and reading, were really interesting to me. Not only is it the meanings of the words, but it is the words themselves, their connections to one another, their structure etc. that all signify different things for us. And that literally means different things for all of us. No one interprets a certain text the same way as the next person. An author has no control over what we think we read or interpret. When you think about it, it makes the writing profession that much more challenging.

One thing that caught me in particular was the idea that from one reading to the next we never skip the same passage (barthes). This made me think of my favorite books and particularly movies which I have read or seen a hundred times. I'm always learning something new, noticing something else, ignoring something else. Its kind of a remarkable relationship. A text never changes physically or contextually, but its readers do. We develop over time, our minds develop and change, our ideals and judgments change...a text, a really good text in my opinion, never changes but continues to spark our interest. A text is ever adaptable as is our mind. I don't think I am explaining this in anywhere near a form of fascination as it sounds in my head. These texts are truly in its most definitive of ways masterpieces because they never have to change, they continue to transform within our own minds and changes. How brilliant is that?

1 comment:

CMC300 said...

You do a good job evaluating the way that the three join together on similar topics. Not quite up as thorough as your other blogs, and the word count in a little lower than it should be but at least that's one blog you have made up! You could have taken this time to take some of your quote and relate them more to the theorists we've covered more recently. :)