Sunday, November 22, 2009

DoubleBubble, 11/22

In class on Thursday we talked about Derrida and difference. We also did an exercise in class with the word board. How do we know what this word means from the definition in a dictionary? We know because we know definitions of all of these other words. in order to fully understand it without knowing these definitions we would have to look up all the definitions of each word. this could take hours and hours or even days. throughout our lives we have gained the knowledge of all of these words in order to understand it. in a way we have already spent these hours of looking up words everyday.

Everyday within the lingo of AIM or Facebook we develop these new words with new understandings. For instance, LOL. That’s known as laughing out Loud, but how would we know that if we don’t know what laughing, out or loud meant right? we understand these new languages and words that we develop because of previous knowledge and education of these words.

This concept relates to Derrida because he talks about The Trace. We fill in new ideas and experiences based up on our previous experiences and knowledge. We wouldn’t know what LOL means or is without previous knowledge of what Laughing, out or Loud meant. If we did not know these from previous experience the concept of LOL would not mean anything to us.

Within the slide show there was a slide that said HELL and then we were shown a picture of a Shell station sign. When we see that image and then reflect back to the idea of what we see when we see Hell we now see Shell. I thought about this with the concept of how we use that in everyday life. What about when we are driving and see a store but the store letters have some of them missing because the light bulbs have blown. We still see the logo or some of the word and we understand, although some of the sign is blown out, what the store is. Our previous experiences and knowledge of the logo or lettering we understand what it means with someone missing. If we were driving and saw a sign for a store we were not familiar with we would not be able to put together the store if the lights were blown.

Our everyday experiences and knowledge allows for us to understand the everyday life things we either create or see, even if in a different way.

1 comment:

CMC300 said...

You show a great understanding of the material we covered on Derrida. He is a hard one to grasp so great job! Careful that you are not repeating yourself in your blog since you seemed to discuss the same thing a couple of times. Also, it would be great to see who you connect with this theorists? A lot of your classmates have linked Derrida to some of our earlier theorists. With the exam coming up in about a week or so you'll wanna get on studying those earlier quotes! :)