Tuesday, November 17, 2009

DoubleBubble, Hebdige MAKEUP

Hebdige was a tough but very interesting article to read about.

Hebdige’s article was about ideologies and the notion of where they come from and how they interact within our society on classes and the public. Hebdige talks about how ideologies have become this form of common sense, meaning that ideologies have become this idea of normality and something that we automatically relate to. We relate and develop these ideologies to be common sense because they have been around and part of our everyday lives for so long. This idea of ideology and how it is our everyday norm can relate to Althusser and his idea about how ideology is unconscious and we are not aware that we are doing it. It could also relate to Lyotard and the idea of how we belong to these certain groups and we form to them, and while forming to them we also form to the ideologies it follows.

Sometimes there is the issue of a group of the general public who wants to be different and try to escape these ideologies. The ruling class creates ideologies unconsciously and we follow these ideologies because we presume that is what is normal. When attempting to escape these ideologies and become different, subgroups attempt to disrupt the suppression of classes through ideologies, which were created by the ruling class. As a result this causes deviant behavior to be redefined in order to “quiet the noise”. The reason these sub-groups do this is because they want to be different, but then they enter the issue of sameness. Once, the subgroups new ideas and concepts are presented to the general public they are ‘frozen’. Frozen means, they are no longer original because they have been presented and followed by the general public. All subcultures want to become different, but once their ideas and thoughts are put out to the public to follow, they are no longer different because everyone else is following them and they just sink back into this idea of sameness.

Hebdige’s article overall taught me the idea of ideologies and how much these ideologies are created by a ruling class. Even when a subculture breaks free from the ruling class ideologies, they are different for such a short amount of time, because the general public follows after them and their new ideologies and the subculture is then back as a part of the general public.

1 comment:

CMC300 said...

Again, great blog and you show a great understanding of the material through your clear explanation of what Hebdige means. I think that you explain the quote very well and clearly, but at the same time it would be great to see you strengthen your theoretical connections. :)