Sunday, October 25, 2009

Daisy, 10/25

In class on Thursday, we spent the majority of the time discussing Ideology. Ideologies are what make our world go round, everyone is functioning within an ideology whether they realize it or not. We talked about the theorists, Marx and Althusser, and how the ones in charge are the ones who make the rules, but who is in charge? I believe the ones in charge are the ones who have the means and acceptance by the others. For example, in class we were shown two pictures, one of a Mercedes symbol, and one of a GM symbol, and asked which one is a sign of the ruling class? Looking at this question I can see both as symbols of the ruling class. Mercedes is a symbol of the ruling class because it is a high-end car, and people who have the means in our country usually buy an expensive car. The people who have the means (economic wealth) in society are the ones who have the ability to rule. On the other hand the majority of our society can afford and own GM cars, rather than Mercedes, so GM could be considered more dominant. When the economy crisis hit, GM was affected and so were the million people they employed. GM can be seen as a symbol of the ruling class because of its dominance in our society. So which one has more power, still deciding on that.
Thinking about the fact that everyday we function under ideologies without realizing is quite interesting, because they more you think about it, the more ideologies you realize you are functioning under. For example, I was thinking about the ideology of education and college, since this past weekend was parent’s weekend. Junior year of high school we are introduced to the process of applying to college and how it is the normal thing to do. For most of us, there wasn’t a doubt in our minds that we would not go to college because we have grown up around the idea that a higher education is important. In today’s world you are taught by society, to succeed in life you must get an education. Rollins has a Pathways to College Day and brings in Ferncreek Elementary School to show them what a day at college is like, in hopes it will make them want to go to college. Ferncreek Elementary is a charter school and many of the children who attend the school are lower class and may not see college as a possibility. While I think this is such a great experience and important to give children the opportunity, I was also thinking that we are making ourselves the dominant force and imposing our ideas on others. We are doing this today because education is so important to get anywhere in this world, but at the same time the force of education shuns anyone else who wants to forgo college and follow their true dreams. I remember when the buzz around my community was about a classmate who skipped college to play Pro basketball; everyone seemed so shocked about passing up college. It makes me think sometimes that we may influence our own ideologies on others without realizing it.

1 comment:

CMC300 said...

you show a good understanding of what Marx and Althussar are talking about in regards to ideology and who provides hegemony. You use a good example that reflects the world we live in today because you're right, we are taught that education gives you more opportunities in life. It's hard to step outside of these dominant ideas projected onto us since a young age, but then since you obviously have critically observed this functioning ideology - where does this leave you? Think of how Althussar identifies how those who think they are outside ideology are in fact still within it. :)