Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The main them of the writing of Horkmeier and Adorno has to be “sameness”, “Culture is infecting everything with sameness” (41); by sameness they are referring to the lack of difference between what is on the radio, television, commercials, ads etc. All of these outlets are owned and run by the same elite group of individuals who use these medium to perpetuate their ideological views down to the masses. The ideology and other ideas that we see through the media are no accident, it is a conscious effort to influence the viewers; Horkmeier and Adorno say: “Films and radio no longer need to present themselves as art. The truth that they are nothing but business is used as an ideology to legitimize the trash they intentionally produce” (42). I think one way that we see this sameness in media is through advertisements; while I was driving the other day I heard a commercial that sounded very familiar to me, even though I always change the station when commercials come on, and realized it was the same thing as the television advertisement for the same car dealership. This just shows their point that all outlets of media are owned by the same few elitists and thus we are getting the same opinions and views through just about every medium of production. There are several of our past theorists whose ideas tie in quite well with this writing, the most obvious of which is Althusser and his idea that everything we do is based on some sort of ideological influence as well as his belief that both the author and reader are engulfed by ideology, in this case the ‘author’ would be the producer or screen writer in media outlets. The author is the one who chooses to perpetuate the ideological views and the reader, or viewer, is the one who is constantly bombarded with it and thus lives within ideology.

1 comment:

CMC300 said...

I don't know who you are! Please leave a comment or e-mail me who you are so that I can give you credit!

This is a good blog in which you clearly explain the role of 'sameness' in culture. Do you think that our culture will continue to accept this level of sameness, especially the level that over media forms it is the same ad? How will this influence the role of diversity? :)