Wednesday, November 18, 2009

FloRida, Derrida

Reading Derrida made me think about the ideas of “difference” and “difference,” things I had never thought about before. Derrida’s ideas relate to many theorists that we have studied so far in CMC 300. He connects language to signs to the normalization of language. “Within a language, within the system of language there are only differences. A taxonomic operation can accordingly undertake its systematic, statistical, and classificatory inventory, But, on the one hand, these differences play a role in language, in speech as well, and in the exchange between language and speech” (127). Derrida’s ideas really relates to what our class has previously learned from De Saussure about signs and language. Language is different for everyone. Words and signs mean different things in every culture. Derrida connects to De Saussure through the idea that “language is a set of interdependent terms that derive their meanings from the simultaneous presence of other terms.” Terms used only represent their true meanings when they are placed next to other terms because, “in language there are only differences.” No two things are the same. We think that people with other languages or cultures are different, making this language of differences normal. “Difference” cannot be defined because it does not mean the same thing to each person. Derrida says that the notion of “difference” was produced. Our culture normalizes something that is at first “different.” This relates to Lyotard’s ideas avant guarde. We first think something is “weird” or “different” but once it is masses produces, we consider it to be normal and part of our culture and society. Language is a very powerful within a society and I believe that he is trying to prove this. Derrida helps me grasp the change of language and what and why “differences” occur.

1 comment:

CMC300 said...

Even though this was one of our more dense readings, I'm glad that you still kept a positive attitude with the text and found parts of it that did make sense to you. In your blog, you make some connections to strong theorists, and it would be great to see you strengthen those connection in your post-class blog. :)