Wednesday, October 28, 2009

ESPN, Horkheimer and Adorno

“Films and Radio no longer need to present themselves as art. The truth that they are nothing but business is used as an ideology to legitimize the trash they intentionally produce.” I found this quote to be very true. It seems it used to be about the beauty of the film or music however, it now it is okay to produce anything as long as it is making them money. Making money is used as an excuse to produce horrible material. Furthermore, it creates a vision that is harder to pick out the true artist from the less talented one, all that matters is money, if it is making money it is okay however it is at the cost of true art.
It also supports the author’s point that our culture is becoming one of inflicting sameness. The trash is unanimous even though the “artists” are different. The sameness is understood to be the fact that there are so many different kinds of people in our society, yet we are still all the same in that we are at the mercy of the media giants all that matter is what gets them the best profit. The ideology that the authors use to legitimize the trash they produce is similar to Althusser when he talks about how the ruling class having power over society. They have used society in a way that makes it okay to no long have true art from film and radio. Additionally, like Althusser states it is uncurious.
In still referring the sameness the authors demonstrate, that is has now gotten to a point where “everything is so tightly clustered that the concentration of intellect reaches a level where it overflows the demarcation between company and technical sector.” Moreover, they have been made this way so that no one can escape. If I understand right, everyone is dependent on someone else and it is all intertwined and directly affect society. The example is given where film depend on banks or the broadcasting company on the electrical company. The companies themselves do not matter and since so many are similar it really doesn’t matter all that matters is who is making the most money and how there are intertwined with each other.

1 comment:

CMC300 said...

This is a great blog and I like your focus on the lack of aesthetic pleasure from media forms that contribute to the consumerist culture we live in. You identify the fact that the ruling class want us to feed into the consumerist aspect of culture for them to maintain their elitist class. Since you look at the balance of power between the ruling class and the majority it would be great to see your take on how Marx and Althussar would respond to Horkheiemer and Adorno - otherwise good job! :)