Wednesday, February 13, 2008

ChittyChittyBangBang Habermas

warning: Just a heads up-I've been insanely sick for the past 5 days so the things I'm writing could potentially make no sense whatsoever, and for that, I apologize...

The article, Modernity - An incomplete Project, by Habermas was a little difficult to follow. First of all, what is modern?

"The word 'modern' in its Latin form 'modernus' was used for the first time in the late fifteenth century in order to distinguish the present, which had become officially Christian, and from the Roman and pagan past. With varying content, the term 'modern' again and again expresses the consciousness of an epoch that relates itself to the past of antiquity, in order to view itself as the result of a transition from the old to new." (98)

So the term modern has been repeatedly used over time, modern represents the new and latest. Our technology is constantly evolving and what once was 'modern' to us is now old. What will be modern to us tomorrow?

"...whenever, moreover, antiquity was considered a model to be recovered through some kind of imitation." (98)

The term verisimilitude comes to mind when I read these quotes. Saying art is actually a potential copy. Modernity is directly tied to European art, though I think it is even more than just art. It is morality, science, religion, human traditions...
Perhaps we are constantly imitating the past and making copies of the old and transitioning to the new.

Modern is constantly evolving? So, what is postmodern?

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