Sunday, March 30, 2008

BubbaNub: 3/27

I am not sure if pastiche always eclipsed parody. When I think about this concept, I feel as though with most things, that it has evolved and grown with our society. Pastiche was not so evident back in the days, and yet today I am incapable of watching 10 minutes of "unintentionally" funny TV without laughing. Our nation has grown so absurd in regards to certain laws and aspects that I feel as though the last option permitted to me is to laugh. We waste trillions of dollars on losing wars such as Iraq, Vietnam, and the infamous DRUG war while simultaneously we miraculously fail to acknowledge the overwhelming numbers of poverty and our failing economy. And yet, with all of this fact and known, there remains the ideological projectors that continue to regurgitate the same messages they have been told to tell since the founding of America. If one cannot see the ridiculous hypocritical nature of the society we live in, they are truly devoid of a sense of humor.

I believe, even we (the educated), the ones responsible for leading these social changes are so overwhelmed by the idiocracy of our nation that we feel helpless as to where to start. It feels as though we are supposed to put a puzzle back together, one whos pieces never fit from the start. There is actually a fairly recent film out called "Idiocracy" by the same director that did "Office Space" that uses forms of pastiche with parody to show us a future of a hysterically depressing world run by people who have slowly evolved into lazy and boarder line mentally challenged beings. It is funny because we can see it happening, we can see it as truth, and the absurdity of it all makes us weep with laughter.

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