Sunday, February 15, 2009

Asyouwish/2/15 response to aro0823

I agree with the idea of "the cult of the new" that aro0823 talked about as being something that greatly affects our society. Technological advances such as new cellphones happen at a very fast pace; a pace which for me is too hard to keep up with. A lot of my friends have the I-phone touch. In the past when I have needed to use someone's phone and they handed me their I-phone touch I have had trouble using it, it seems technology progresses so fast that if you do not get on the bus right away you will be left behind. A perfect example of such an occurrence takes place in the movie Sex and the City when Sarah Jessica Parker’s character Carry asks for a phone in panic and someone hands her an I-phone and she states "I don't know how to use this". Another technology that advances at a faster pace than most of us can keep up with is video game sets, playstations, nintendos, wii, game cube, and then there are also the handheld games. I see children in airports playing with handheld electronics that I could not even tell you the name, yet alone how to play them. I played all different types of game systems growing up, Nintendo, SuperNintendo, Nintendo 64, gamegear and gameboy, but the new game systems keep changing and I am less able to keep up with them. The "cult of the new" seems to be mainly applicable to electronics because it is the one area the human race has not come close to fully testing out. It seems every year inventors come out with new products that have yet to appear on the shelves and thus they make their debut and the newer generations rush out to buy them. Older generations become less and less familiar with the new technologies. For example, when our parents were younger they had televisions with knobs you turned to change the channels and then they created remotes. Over the years remotes have had buttons added making them even more complicated to use, and now they are so complicated people like my mother even have trouble turning the television on and off. The cult of the new seems to be here to stay, at least it will keep companies like, Sharper Image, Brookstone, Apple, Sony and Panasonic in business and allow for interesting purchases available in inflight magazines.

1 comment:

CMC300 said...

Solid post. I am glad you made reference to aro0823's post and you use some good examples for the cult of the new.
