Wednesday, March 18, 2009

WoolyBully7, Hebdige

“Style in particular provokes a double response: it is alternately celebrated (in the fashion page) and ridiculed or reviled (in those articles which define subcultures as social problems). -154

Usually the fashion trends of subcultures are so different and unique that is almost hard to miss them and immediately attracts the media’s attention. This is how only a few individuals in a given era can have such a huge impact on the public, especially within the same demographic. I mean look at James Dean, he died at the age of just 24 yet he was so influential in the 1950’s as far as male style went. The blue jeans, white t-shirt, leather jacket, converses and slicked back hair lasted well past his years and some may even argue is still evident today. That is not an example really of a subculture as Hebdige does but it still shows how prominent fashion can be. Dean’s style was also not really ridiculed; it was praised as it helped give a voice to a young generation.

Back to the double responses though, there are many new styles today that are both celebrated and also ridiculed simultaneously. Certain subcultures in today’s youth seem to be obsessed with tight jeans and black t-shirts. Pop media shows mostly mixed opinions as they celebrate the individuality and creativity yet dislike the outwardly ominous theme and melancholy demeanor, something that has often been called “emo” meaning emotional. I’m not against being who you are and dressing how you want, I’m just saying I wouldn’t ever dress like that because it is not representative of me or my style. The Clash, a famous 1970s/80s punk rock band was also celebrated for their punk style and it really was a revolution, especially since they were British and single-handedly created their own subculture, much like the Star Wars culture we learned so much about from our visitor Claire. Their style exploded and was revered by many while also receiving much criticism from more conservative media critics.

1 comment:

CMC300 said...

Good post. You chose a good quote to comment on and you give some good examples of sub culture and style that is celebrated and ridiculed.
