Sunday, April 12, 2009

killacam32 - April 12 2009

I think that the need for immediacy is getting out of control. journalism is very important because we need to hear those perspectives and be able to pervert the text and read between the lines and come to our conclusion. Witht his imediate new we are getting the news so fast that its pretty in the past and we dont have time to digest it. All the other media outlets are out wieghing the newspaper because the news paper is the "slowest" outlet right now since it is not part of the new wave of technology. We have too many news sources and in the first place and the other hand if the newspaper would cease to be used it wouldnt really be a problem we would just read it online.

1 comment:

CMC300 said...

This post is too short. You have some good ideas you need to expand on them.
