Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Murphy, 4/28

The most interesting part of today's class is how it relates to my behavior right this second. I did not participate in the class or speak my mind even when the entire premise was that the men were not aloud to speak and the women were encouraged to. But for some reason I still did not feel comfortable contributing, although I had a lot of thoughts, feelings, and opinions on the subject, some actually very strong ones. But I can now sit here and type endlessly on the subject and on my behavior. I am not sure if it is because I don't have the entire class looking at me, or because I can think through my ideas and organize them before I just blurt them out (although I don't extensively edit my posts), or because it is completely anonymous on blogger.com with our made-up posting names. Whatever the reason I fit the mold that is set up in the quote "writing is women's" (160)
Although this is a public forum, I am writing it privately, and almost hoping that it isn't read by the mass public. I do not always act so reserved, but I thought that my actions today were extremely fitting for our discussion, and I almost felt disappointed that I supported the quote and was made an example of.
On another note, this entire semester has been a great test of critical thought and the way we analyze texts of all kinds. Taking CMC 300 without 200 was interesting, and I am excited to now go back to the 200 level and see what I can apply from 300 instead of the normal progression that most students take. I had a great semester and looking back at my notes the first thing I wrote was "Postmodernism: What is it anyway?" I'm not sure I could have an answer for that question that is an end-all for students and scholars, but I have a better idea of what postmodernism means to me, and I think the more I study the subject, the closer I will get to the answer I am looking for. Thanks for everything Dr.Rog and Starfish:)

1 comment:

CMC300 said...

Very interesting post and reaction to the exercise. Thanks for the shout out at the end :)
