Sunday, May 3, 2009

ginger griffin, 4/30

I thought the exercise in class was extremely important in understanding what Cixous and Butler were talking about. After I got done reading their article, I really had a hard time understanding it, but when we went over it in class, as usual, I understood it a lot better. When Dr. Roger said that none of the boys were allowed to talk unless they relayed the message to another girl, then their voices could not be heard. I think this gave a lot of the girls in the class a voice for the first time all semester. I think that is a great thing, however, it is safe to note that it is unfortunate that it takes the men to be quiet for those women to talk. It was a very powerful thing for the women in the class to be able to read aloud what the men said, but the women had that power to choose. I feel this is something that men often have. But we took away their voices and put in ours. Although I do not consider myself a feminist, I do consider what we did in class very important.

However, I think that the fact that it took until the last class for this exercise to happen that it simply shows and proves exactly what Cixous and Butler were talking about. Why couldn't we have done this exercise earlier and why did it take these theorist for us to do this exercise? Just a few questions I have and a few questions I feel that Cixous and Butler might ask as well.

1 comment:

CMC300 said...

Your comment at the end is interesting. Your post is a bit on the short side though.
