Sunday, September 20, 2009

BiegieGo, 9/20

First off I didn’t mean to send the past blank post. Sorry.
I found that the readings for this week were a little difficult to understand but by no surprise Dr. Rog managed to explain them in to terms that were more understandable  thanks. Another thing I noticed in the last class was in some of the photo’s he showed that class I had been to some of the places. I thought that was awesome!
In the Habermas reading, the quote that stayed with me the most, and I could relate to is the “the cult of the new.” Meaning that it’s the “newest modern,” that if its new its better and that our society needs it and goes and gets it when it comes out on the market. For example the iphone or the newest iPod or pretty much anything apple related, our society seems to want it and has to get the latest style or technology. It almost seems as we are somewhat robotic. We hear about some new style or invention coming out, we go stand in lined for hours to get it and then when it gets old we do it all over again like robots.
In the Jencks reading, I found it very helpful to think of all terms in a building kind of way. I thought that multi-valence was interesting because it is looking at how to make as many sides as possible out of one thing, I think that was cool how frank gray used a cube to build apartment houses.

1 comment:

CMC300 said...

You have some good ideas and it would be wonderful if you could elaborate on why you find them interesting and how they connect across the critical-theory board. This way you can reach the 300 word minimum (careful on length of blog!). In the meantime, whenever you see buildings or any sort think of how they relate to Jencks; it will start to expand your theoretical mind.

Smiley Face :)