Sunday, September 13, 2009

DoubleBubble, 9/13

After Class this week, a few things stuck in my head. Before class this week, I viewed reality as the way it was presented to us through the media. But then I realized, how corrupt our view on reality is. When we watched the Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin video I thought it was interesting how we laugh and find humor in videos like that. Our government is being laughed at and made fun of and our society is viewing this comedy as a view on our reality. We get our information on our government and politics through comedy. Isn’t that wrong? Our reality is false because the creators of the video are more concerned about publicity and success than making sure information is correct. Since a lot of our society views this video with more entertainment than the shows on real politics, we are getting our information on politics through this humor. While some of the information on these videos could be true, it is more false than true.

Within our society our idea of realism is completely changing because what really is real? What really is realism within our society? These ideas and videos are influencing our ideas on what we think is real. We are influenced by the companies, producers, authors to believe certain ideas and concepts which we think are “real”. We don’t really even know what is real, or what is “realism” within our society. We have grown up to believe these certain ideas and concepts and think they are real, because these companies advertise new ideas and clothing and our society follows these companies and clothing because we believe it is up to date and the new fashion. These companies are telling us what is new fashion but, what really are the new hip things to wear? How do we even know if companies are influencing our decisions?

1 comment:

CMC300 said...

You make some very solid observations on the structure and functioning of our society. You make a great correlation between the capitalist society in which we find ourselves being sucked into, whether it with understanding politics through humor or the latest trends. Think about which theorist most relates to these ideas and why.

Smiley Face :)