Sunday, November 29, 2009

ESPN, Foucault - late

This is a pre class make up for Foucault
In reading Foucault, I became aware to a lot more things. Our society has become so used to being watched, moderated, monitored and controlled that we do not even realize how often this occurs in our daily lives. It happens every day of our lives, even if we do not step outside people can still even watch us on the internet. It interesting to see how Foucault writings are not only still true but are getting worst with the rise of new technology. As I mentioned, the internet is now a source for people to watch one another. Society both controls and watches us. We are controlled in many different aspects by many different things. We follow a set of legal guidelines that define what is legal and what is illegal. We do this because we are told that if we do not follow these guidelines then we will be punished and we fear punishment. This is related to the PANOPTICON. I had never heard about it before and it opened my eyes to see how people live according to how they think they are being watched. People in the prison follow a set of guidelines just as we do in society. They don’t break rules because they fear punishment just as we did. I found the example of the Panopticon to be very interesting. In a way Foucault is saying that society operates much like a prison in that we both live according to how we are watched. He says everyone locked up in his cage, everyone at his window, answering to his name and showing himself when asked. Furthermore, we don’t really think too much about being watch. Like Foucault says, Inspection functions ceaselessly. It just happens, we all do it. We go about reacted to things because we are watched but don’t really focus and constantly think about being watched. We just know that we are and react to it. We are a result of society and since society watches us, we are a result of always be watched.

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