Thursday, November 5, 2009

ESPN, 11/5

As we approach are second exam, we continued our way through more theorists. This week we discussed Jameson and Chomsky. I found Chomsky’s five Essential ingredients of propaganda to be Most interesting. I never realized how much went into propaganda. I had never thought about Reliance of media on institutional information sources like Number 3 states. It seems as if no matter what there is some sort of subconscious that we think that the media is telling the truth and is not biased. We trust the newscasters in some way which shapes society. It never ceases to amaze me at how much the media is influence is shaping society and as we have gotten deeper into cmc 300 I have almost become overwhelmed in noticing the influences of the media and the control they have in the world today and furthermore, it is not always true and always positive. I had never really heard of the term Flak before reading and didn’t really understand it until class on Thursday, it seems that it is simply a way to be outside the norm and thus gets more attention. The one I found most interesting from the propaganda model was however, Anti-communism (now anti-terrorism?) as a control mechanism. Companies will push to have something to have conflict with. It is just another way to get more trust from people and thus more viewers and more money which is the main goal of all media personal in the first place. We are all spectators at the mercy of the media. We just “opine and recline” as Chomsky says. We love to sit back and take all the media and technology in. we love are technology however, it is overwhelming are society to the point that some people now have High tech paranoia. This is the notion that Jameson describes where we are afraid of technology taking over the world. It is evident in many movies and while it is not probable, it is an interesting way to look at our over simulated media filled culture.

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