Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Kiwi, Herman and Chromsky

“advertisers will want, more generally, to avoid programs with serious complexities and disturbing controversies that interface with the buying mood.” (269) when I read this the first thing that came to mind was, Disney and how they advertise in movies, shops, games etc… they are not trying to have serious complexities but are simply trying to get across the point that Disney is a happy place. They try to create this image in our head of magic to create realism which reminds of versimilitude and how Leyotard says it is used to create realism to dominate our world. I think that this is exactly what is happening and exactly that point that Herman and Chromsky are trying to get across. Going more off of the whole Disney idea I think that also connects to this quote in how he believes that Disneyland presents itself as reality, when really it is not. But again this repetitive nature makes us come to view the magical world as real. Disney masks the reality of what is real. It is presented as a real land that exists but in reality it was man-made to depict “real” land but in fact it is fictional. However it has to depict itself as “real” land in order to function to get people to come and accept it.
What I understand Herman and Chomsky are trying to say is that all advertising is trying to advertise to us in a way that they can get us to buy their specific product and doing it in a way that isn’t to complex. They don’t want us to have to think to much because if we think to much then we may just realize that for instance Jergans soap is just the same as Dove soap? Im not sure if I’m reading this correctly or not but that is what I got from the reading, that advertisers are trying to tell us no this is not just lotion…. This is DOVE lotion.
I will be interested to see tomorrow in class if I was going in the right direction with this or if I was totally wrong :0) Im not sure why I was having a hard time understanding this reading but for some reason I struggled a little bit with it.


CMC300 said...

whoops sorry I meant to say chomsky. I made a typing error :0)

CMC300 said...

Don't worry. As the class is progressing though the semester the readings are getting harder - you're not the only one having a hard time! Anyway, you seem to have the right idea in that these two theorists are discussing the role of mass media and propaganda and relate it to advertising. If you read back over your post, which other theorists pop to mind? When you discuss the reality behind Disney and its promotion you are touching on Baudrillard's ideas of reality outstripping fiction. Every theorist we come across really think about how they relate to the greater picture of theory. :)

CMC300 said...

Oh and careful with spellings - you'll be marked down for that! :)