Wednesday, April 16, 2008

NewYorker - Hooks

Despite there still being a hegemonic want for the "all-American" looking model when it comes to modeling, more and more different cultures are becoming more appealing and attractive. Sometimes advertisers want to take a different angle, and will hire a different race. I have seen a lot of black, Asian, and Indian models lately. As a few people had commented on America's Next Top Model, I want to add something too. They always have contestants of different races, and always take them to another country. On the last season, the two finalists were a black woman, and a blonde American. I totally thought the blonde was going to win, but it turned out that the black model won. I feel this show is trying to show people that models can look different, because every season the winner has not been the mainstream hegemonic look.
The want for a specific looking model will always be in flux, because consumers want to see people in the ads that look like themselves, that they can relate to. However, I think here is where stereotypes come into play, and exotica/Other, because sometimes when an advertiser wants to represent something different, they immediately go to a stereotype, because they feel that will get the message across and that people will be able to identify it (such as getting an Indian model that completely looks Indian, not something in between, or a mix. Or to have a black woman sporting an Afro.) This relates to the paragraph on the Tweeds catalogue that Hooks spoke about (372).
Further this article just made me think of many of the commercials that are out right now for such items like vacuums, cleaning fluids, and plastic bags. It is always the woman of the house vacuuming, or feeding the kids the proper cereal, and the mother disinfecting the bathroom. There is not one commercial that shows men doing this! A typical commercial where the man of the house is the star, is for things such as credit cards, electronics and garbage bags.
Here are some examples I have found:

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