Saturday, December 5, 2009

Captain Outrageous, 12/3

This last class was a great way to end with a bang. It actually helped me fuel some conversations I had with some people later on about eating disorders and body image. I came to a cynical and somewhat unsettling conclusion when it comes to feminism, body image, power of the media, oppression and so forth...we are only controlled by the media images and societal boundaries pushed on us as far as we care to be. True we can't change the minds of everyone, but we can live with the knowledge within ourselves and if we can do that than certain 'accomplishments' will come in the right place time and way for us personally. For example, in this discussion I was having, someone mentioned how the pretty girl always gets the job. That's social and media construction for you. So the pretty girl gets that job. That should be a great symbol to you that the people and mindsets running that job really aren't what you wanted if they operate at such a level. I can almost guarantee that the job you will get, with the people who think outside of these silly boxes, will be much more rewarding in the end, financially or not.

What this really comes down to is I think I agree somewhat with Butler's cynicism... concepts of women and feminism and the like are up to us to perpetuate. Its our fault. In a sense. There's people with REAL eating disorders, not the eating disorder of what can i eat in the cafeteria so I don't get fat. People who could die from impact, not stress over it and fluctuate a few pounds and sizes. What we emphasize in our daily lives in regard to this is what is emphasized on TV and in movies and in advertisements. Therefore, we are playing their game. We aren't being critical of any type of reality. Yes, the reality is these advertisements and messages exist. But they don't depict reality, and we know that or we should by now. Yes, the reality is that there are men who will run on these stereotypes forever in the worst of ways, but these aren't the men we should desire, these aren't the men, the structures, the professions, that will respect us. In our own respect, in our own reality, there should be no fear, no oppression forced upon us by these powers, these controlling mechanisms.

Image and Beauty should equal health and confidence
Voice and Opinion and Validation should equal knowledge, intellect and authority
Respect comes when earned, not when male dominated powers say ok you got it. I realize that even when you deserve it the most you don't get it but remember, you don't want it from there anyway.

Its all a big Catch 22. Look good to feel good, work hard for success, respect and self respect blah blah blah.

Be you.
Be happy.
Be in charge.
And don't give a second thought to any other image.

1 comment:

CMC300 said...

I've always loved reading your insights into our class discussions. Just don't forget about those crucial connections to the other theorists, but I think those 200 postmodern theory flash-cards will help you out with those! Best of luck with the exam! :)