Thursday, December 3, 2009

ESPN, 12/3

As the semester came to an end, we finished in a slightly different way than usual with the idea of phallologocentrism and the work of Cixous and Butler. As all the guys were silenced in class in relation to women equality, I felt quite weird. It was a different feeling, one that I have not felt before. It was almost as I was a kid in time out and was punished from talking. There were many ideas going through my head but felt stuck in that I could not say anything unless I wrote it. Writing it seems to make ones ideas much less important and enables them to be written off or pushed to the side. I think it was good for me to get that perspective as I got a new insight to feminist ideas and feelings. My reaction in the equality debate is that yes women’s rights are equal but do agree in that they are undermined by a male dominated society. There was question purposed that asked what a female recommends we do about it. There was not many specific answers that where both specific and could potently solve the problem on a bigger scale. I find it to be because on that bigger scale the male dominated culture is so embedded in to not only America but the world in that it does not ever seem it will be able to entirely be changed.
We have come a long way as years ago the class we had on Thursday would not have even been thought. I am all for equality but hard it find to believe that there will ever be 100 % equality because after all we are different by nature. There are also so many socially constructed norms that are put in place that separate a male from female. I do believe there is certainly room for improvement but no matter who dominate male or female there will always be a difference and room to argue who has more control. This class has taught me so many things usefully in understanding the world and a new better idea of feminism is just an example of one of them.

1 comment:

CMC300 said...

I really enjoyed reading your blog, mainly because I'm especially interested to how the guys of the class responded to the new class mix up. Being silenced like that how do you think you as an individual can do what you can to ensure that the women you are around do not feel like that? Also, think about who you can relate these feminist thoughts about? Best of luck for the final and I've really enjoyed watching your critical thinking progress throughout the semester :)