Sunday, November 1, 2009

BiegieGo, 11/1

This week we discussed theorist Dick Hebdige and Adorno. Hebdige talks a lot of hegemony and taking something and making it completely normal to the mass population. For example, we looked at a few pictures and one was a drawling on the side of a train. Well the person who did this is probably making famous art works in our society somewhere today. At one point, it was seen a being deviant and different and the next think we know this person is making millions off of us for something that once was not acceptable in our culture but now is normal. Not one questions drawings on walls anymore because we have seen it so much that it is not AUTHENTIC anymore. We can relate this notion of be authentic back to the theorist Benjamin and how he talks a lot about when something is being reproduced then it loses its value for example the panting of Mona Lisa. This panting has been reproduced so many times that when people see it, it’s nothing special to them because they have seen it a thousand times before that. Other pictures we looked at were natives with tattoos and a guy with a lot of piercings. When our culture sees this, they want it. we all seem to want what we don’t have a I think that one thing that keeps our society running and also the corporate people because they just continue coming up with the new.
The second theorist we talked about was Adorno. We did not finish discussing Adorno but in class we each got a quote from Dr. Rog and we had to come up with something to say about it. The quote I received was “The standardized forms…were originally derived from the need of the consumers.” Well, we can look at this quote and say that everything is becoming the same because the consumers are making it that way or we can look at this quote and say the producers are making everything the same… every time our culture changes, noting really stays different, it all stays the same and we all follow this idea of changing as our society changes. For example, when our fashion comes into style then all the stores change in order to follow the trend…instead of staying with what is considered old style…we follow the fashion and become consumed in what is new to us. We can relate this to Hebdige and how he thinks that something is exotica and we make it normal. Without one you cannot have the other.

1 comment:

CMC300 said...

You show a good understanding of the theories we covered in class and how they apply to the world. The examples you used came from class which is good because they relate well to the theorists and helps your understanding, but I think you would benefit from coming up with your own examples. :)