Sunday, January 18, 2009

killacam32 1/18

The first class of cmc 300 very interesting. The quote that calls postmodernism "an aura, not an era" really changed my perception of what postmodernism is. Its cool to look at postmodernism as always being there, putting elements in events all throughout time. I really enjoyed learning how Barack had a postmodern view and mccain had a traditional modernist view. I really enjoyed learning about how our culture is the culture of fear and how our culture is obessed with the faster is better concept. I feel that that is a great representation because all i seem to see everywhere is fast food restaurants, fast computers, quick downloads, faster runners, and things to make athletes play faster and better. Anorything is so diferent ther element of postmodernism that i really feel connects to our culture is that we are the culture that doesnt want to feel pain. People want to take all types of medicines ad vitamins and treatments to make eveyrhting better when there is really nothing wrong. These thigns lead to other problems whilc in the end create neevr ending problems. 

1 comment:

CMC300 said...

Killacam32. It is great that you are showing a lot of interest in what you have learned so far. I also found it interesting when Dr. Rog said Obama had a postmodern view. In future posts it would be great if you good expand on your ideas.
