Sunday, January 18, 2009

PetiteEtoile - 1-15-09

The first class was very intriguing and eye-opening and sparked my interested for the rest of the semester. Post-modernism appears to me to be a way of seeing things for what they really are or to see the deeper meaning. I had never thought that the atom bomb was more than just a weapon, but the realization that man has the capacity of self-destruction. And that such a realization has an effect on man and on the world, not only in the most obvious forms, but in a deeper subconscious way. It's as if post-modernism not only sees the leaf falling upon the water, but also the ripples in the water that come from the leaf and the way those ripples affect the rest of the body of water. I had never thought that the generations that grew up during vietnam fearing bombs and learning even as children that they might be killed at any moment would have an affect on their psychii for the rest of their lives. Although now that it has been said to me, it seems like common sense. Or how even the smallest detail that children of this generation use hand sanitiser and are brought up to fear something they cant even see would have an affect on their phsychii. It had never occurred to me that our society enjoys being scared and watching horrible torture as entertainment and that at some point previously this was not normal. And that this says something about our society as a whole. I'm excited for this course as I feel I will never see the world the same again, that I will see the deeper meaning in things and what it is people are trying to sell me or convince me of rather than the shallow level I have been seeing.

1 comment:

CMC300 said...

You say some great things in your post. I especially liked your metaphor. "It's as if post-modernism not only sees the leaf falling upon the water, but also the ripples in the water that come from the leaf and the way those ripples affect the rest of the body of water." It seems that you are already seeing things differently.
