Tuesday, March 3, 2009

3/3/09, Brookes77

Today we discussed Poster in class. We talked about how much we rely on technology and how it is beginning to shape are identities. When we were shown the quote “ Is it likely to promote the proliferation of little narratives or does it invigorate a developing authoritarian technocracy”(544), half the class raised their hands for the first option and the other for the later. I immediately raised my hand because I truly think that technology will make our world one narrated story where we all see the same thing and do the same thing. I tend to have a pessimistic attitude towards decisions like these, but I do believe that the spread of technology will make us one community which will be a bad thing and will rob everyone from personal, intimate, REAL relationships and will rob us from our real image. I think that having smaller communities, although this will not happen, will be better because on can understand and grasp others identity better and get more personal with each other.
“What is at stake in these technical innovations… is not simply an increased ‘efficiency’ of interchange…but a broad and extensive change in the culture and the ay identities are structured”. This is another quote we discussed in class. With our peers we talked about how communities such as myspace, facebook, gps, etc, controls our lives, and shapes our identities. We can be who we want to be, look how we want to look and live how we want to live ( for example second life). I though about all the technology I use. I have facebook and can make people look at the pictures I want THEM to look at, I can make people believe that I am doing certain things, by putting up a status. I know this is a general example but, it makes me think, since I have friends from a long time ago on facebook, are these people who they say they really are. Do I really know all these friends, or are they identities that I just think I know. This is scary. Poster argues that technology is taking a huge turn in this generation, and beginning to control everything. What will we do if it fails one day…. Will we be able to survive?

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