Sunday, December 6, 2009

Nemo, Cixous and Butler

In this reading the main focus is on our society's ideologies dealing with hierarchy and the author's views on them. The most interesting concept I came across in this reading was Cixous' idea of Bisexuality. She gives two definitions of Bisexuality: “bisexuality as a fantasy of a complete being,” and “bisexuality as the location within oneself of the presence of both sexes.” In Psych classes we had discussed the idea that a woman who is bisexual could have some male like tendencies and a man who is bisexual as having some female like tendencies that have been pronounced due to a possible imbalance in the brain - IM NOT SAYING I AGREE - but i had never thought of bisexual to mean that a man or woman could have the best of both male and female sexes. I enjoyed the question she posed :“why do men fear being a woman?”. My mother always used to say that men are scared that we have the power to create a human - even though it takes a man to start the process. Cixous has answered this question but I cannot wait to hear what my peers have to say. I really think that this reading will be very interesting to discuss in class and I cannot wait to hear what my peers have to say on the subject.

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