Sunday, December 6, 2009

Nemo, Foucault - Make Up

I found this reading to be very different than any we have previously read. He primarily focuses on the concepts of discipline, surveillance and power within a community. He discusses how the people who were sick were secluded and surveyed by others. It is interesting to relate this to our society now because everything we have allows other people to watch us - its almost as if we enjoy it. For example on Facebook you can update your status letting your friends know what is on your mind or what you are doing at the time. Also you can upload pictures so that other people can know what you have been doing. I know people who get upset when their friends don't post pictures up immediately after a night out. It is scary how our society has accepted this as normal. Girls put on make up and dress nice before they go out so people can think they look good. Everything we do can be recorded and watched again. Its a very scary thought that Foucault was able to accurately portray.

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