Sunday, December 6, 2009

Nemo, Horkheimer and Adorno - Make Up

"Culture today is infecting everything with sameness". I took this to mean that the media is affecting our culture which in turn causes everything to be commercialized and essentially making everything the same. For example when some one wants to go against the norms of society they could start wearing a specific style of clothing and if that person happens to be a celebrity there will probably be photographs that are easily accessible on the Internet and in magazines, there will probably be a segment devoted to that celebrity on E! or another 'gossip' TV station. As a result people will start seeing this 'look' and will say "I want to be different too" and will start wearing the same kinds of clothing as a result they will no longer be different but instead they will be the same - the exact thing that they were trying to get away from to begin with. "The standard forms were originally derived from the needs of the consumers". This quote basically is saying that everything that we currently have, did not exist at one point or another - it was however in demand by the public so it was created and has now been reproduced in so many different ways it is ultimately creating the same thing. Which is related to the previous quote. I agree that our culture has cause us to all like the same things, I feel that people do this in order to create a connection with other people in our society.

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