Thursday, March 5, 2009

Dmariel, 3/5/09

Sometimes I find myself wondering how anyone was able to live without their cell phones, GPS, the internet, etc..With all that these technologies have given us today, it is hard to believe that the world revolved without them. In class we discussed whether or not we think that the internet will evolve into a global community or a compilation of thousands of little communities. I believe that the Internet will always be a gathering of many different small groups. There are too many differences in the world for everyone to communicate and exist on the Internet together. I believe that blogs can be defined as little communities. There are millions of blogs on the internet for all different interests-allowing for any type of person to find a community in which to belong. Right now I participate in three different blog websites at work and two different blogs at school. This just shows that the average person is a member of numerous different online communities.
In addition, I find the concept of decentralized communication to be very true in our world today. All different types of people read specific newspapers, magazines, online new sites, etc. In the past, most people used to read the newspaper for their entire county-all receiving the same type of news. Now we have easy access to news from across the world at our fingertips. Just last semester I did a project on Jewish diasporic communities attempting to stay in touch with their homeland. I found that the internet provides a gateway for news and for communication with people of your own descent- there were so many websites, including both mainstream and alternative, for this one diaspora.
In relation to Claire’s presentation on Cyberspace Pirates, I found this directly related to Posters idea that “property rights are put in doubt when information is set free of its material integument to move and to multiply in cyberspace with few constraints”. The ‘skin’ that used to hold all of this information together no longer exists in todays world. Information is free to be used through fandom. Why is there plagiarism in writing and not in the media?

1 comment:

CMC300 said...

Great post. You are really thinking about the class material and applying it to your life.
